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Feb 11
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Are their current actions to create conditions for martial law?

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It the end of an Era, but a start of an age!! I think this will all self implode!! They are going to start a war!!

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You’re about a fucking idiot. The Democrats are self imploding right now, and the Democrats let World War III begin under their watch. Were you born a moron or did your parents train you to be morons after you were born?

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Well for starters your english language and writing skills need work, which tells me you are a MAGA idiot! If it weren’t for democrats, you as a woman, wouldn’t have a right to vote, a right to own a home, or a right to have your own credit card. You must like to be man handled by idiot men. Because you certainly aren’t voting for any rights for yourself. Move along!

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Well, for finishers, regarding my language, you fucking hypocrites deserve all the disrespect you get, after calling the other half of the country, Nazis or Russian assets for the last 10 years.

. And you’re naming off things that the Democrats did 60 years ago. In case you haven’t noticed, the Democrats aren’t the same as they used to be. Now they’re fascist fucking assholes who support and protect corruption and used stupid brainwashed, uninformed, weak rubes like you to manufacture public outcry.

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Art Lover is obviously illiterate and just screaming for attention so I blocked her. I have no interest in trying to go Toe to Toe with someone who doesn't have half the wits I do

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Yep, I was right.

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Keep crying fascist. You're desperate. It's understandable. What's important to understand is this: The sooner you get back in the fucking closet and never spew fascist horse shit again, the sooner we all get back to the imaginary middle ground you think we're on.

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It’s called FAFO!!! LMAO you will find out!! I can’t wait!!

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Last I checked we’d all find out even if we didn’t FA. your logic isn’t logic-ing.

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Of course, not everyone quite gets it… 🤡😎

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It’s possible Trump declares martial law (aka “Marshall” law, /s) and the military accepts the assignment but decides that the enemy is… HIM and his supporters in Congress. And takes them to Gitmo. It’s prepared for that, right?

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I’m sorry, but the military has never been for the Democrat party. All the Democrat party does is send them off to be killed and maimed for no reason. If you think the military is going to support the left, your sadly mistaken and your stupid besides.

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Your tell: calling the Democratic party the “Democrat” party, a calculated, intentional slur. And I’m not a supporter of the far left either. Socially, I’m almost as conservative as the right.

But what the MAGA party is doing is dishonest and destructive, based on a foundation of twisted lies and false accusations, following a con man who literally is “anti” (the opposite of) Christ.

And it’s “you’re stupid.” Your stupid is something else. 🤪

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You’re railing against the voice to text option. Bravo dumbass

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If text to speech makes you look stupid, maybe fingers on keyboard are a better choice. Then again, it might not help.

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Nah, you just proved you know nothing about me. Don't you just love it when people tell you what you believe?

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It’s “your” support. And nobody is chopping penises off of little boys… You were probably talk texting again though, right?

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You're being ridiculous and you don't have a clue what you're talking about. But thank you for outing yourself you Natzi loving C U Next Tuesday.

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Nah, you don't need help there.

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Thank you for calling me a Nazi because you outed yourself as a fucking retard

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Your mom didn't have any children that lived, right?

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Your mom didn’t have any children with an IQ above 45. Because if your IQ is above 45 you would be able to surmise that since I’m texting, I’m probably alive.

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Did you inherit your retardation from your mother and father, or did they train you to be a fucking idiot after you were born because they hate you?

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Aw honey, did I hurt your feelings?? You sound sound like a kid in school yard fight. "What you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!" Hahaha...grow up sweetie. Get an education if you qualify and come back when you can.

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Your team has been calling half the nation Nazis for the last eight years. Perhaps your team is the one that needs to fucking grow up. Dumbass.

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Um, you have that backwards. Republicans by far have started more wars. Try again. Signed a veteran widow and mom to an active duty.

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Art lover, how old are you? The military has no loyalty to either party they have an obligation to uphold the constitution. Even if the president doesn't. My god and they want to eliminate the DOE?

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I’m 63, and I’m a veteran of the military. And Trump hasn’t done anything against the constitution. Contrast that with the Democrat party under Biden, not only spying on American citizens, but having them censored through their collusion, illegal collusion, with big tech honestly I don’t think you know what the constitution says or why. How old are you? Because if you were born after 1995 your education wasn’t anything but indoctrination and you didn’t learn shit except that everybody gets a participation trophy and how to put a condom on a banana.

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I'm 66 go piss onto the wind.

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Early onset dementia then? Because your comment was fucking retarded. I don’t care how old you are.

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LOL no just intelligence, you wouldn't understand.

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You can't spell, and that's stupid.

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So it wasn’t Bush that started the illegal and ill fated war on terror and invaded Iraq on lies?

I must have not paid attention to the news properly at the time.

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I have been saying for YEARS that a totalitarian regime is on the way. That Martial law in North America is how they will get us there. They ran a fake pandemic to discover the holes in the plan and now they have zipped those up nice and tight. If your curious read the newly amended IHR (International Health Regulations) as adopted by the UN (unanimously) if another pandemic is declared, and you can bet your sweet a55 it will be, you belong to them physically AND mentally, they can come to your house and take you away for “treatment” and you will be able to do nothing to stop them. Ta Da!

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Fake pandemic lol you're qanon weirdo who wanted this shit to happen lol

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Yup, see y in your 15 minute city loser

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How many maga dipshits died on ventilators because they wouldn't get a shot in the arm lol

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Blocked that weirdo!!!

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Here’s the thing, there are only 400,000 active US military troops. We are country that has the right to bear arms. Which means we as civilians have guns. In fact, based on an article from 2022 - 44% of american house holds have at least one gun. Now that it’s 2024, I bet that number us much higher.

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They do have much bigger weapons. Bringing a gun to a bomb fight isn’t necessarily a winning strategy.

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all of them answer to Charles Brown Jr. Who serves the constitution and not Trump and also who HATES DONALD TRUMP.

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do people not know who Charles Brown Jr is?

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UPDATE : too late they fired him

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Bookmarking that for immediate review

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Martial Law??? you mean Charles Brown Jr???? he’s not gonna listen to Trump. He’s going to tell him to suck an egg.

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In about three minutes after that, he will be in jail. You people are so fucking stupid.

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Why would he be in jail? On who's orders, done my who?

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If General Charles Q. Brown Jr. refused an unlawful order from the president, he would be protected under military law and the U.S. Constitution. Military officers are required to disobey illegal orders under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

If an attempt were made to arrest him for upholding the Constitution, it would likely cause a constitutional crisis. Congress, the judiciary, and the military's chain of command would be involved, and public outcry would be significant.

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What makes you think stopping leftist violent riots using martial law would be an unlawful order you dumb bitch? They should’ve used it to stop the BLM and antifa riots but instead they let Black people burn Black people down like the racist fucks they are, and they highlighted their hypocrisy by letting antifa run amok. so if Charles Q Brown doesn’t want to follow an order from his commander-in-chief, that motherfucker is going to the brig. Watching and learn you ignorant leftist rube.

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Oh i see. Youre just a republican troll. I will now disregard that you exist.

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Hey bud. How about you get a life.

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Thank you.

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Dude, I'm 60 and my body is not equipped to learn self-defense anymore. I'm too set in my life in a small apartment that is not going to hold all the food I need to survive for months.

I AM a Christian, though. And, Jesus Christ will provide. I do not put my trust in humans. I trust God, alone.

If I die doing the right thing, then I have done the right thing by dying for it.

Quit with the fear-mongering.

Be brave. Be stouthearted. But, DO. NOT. BE. AFRAID.

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If you think you’re a Christian, but you vote for the Democrat platform, then you’re deceived. The Democrat platform serves Satan. Make no mistake.

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Who’s fear mongering? If you don’t like my articles or what I post allow me to show you the door.

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I already know where the door is. You peddle fear. That is not the message people need. Fear is useless. And, your "advice" applies only to people like yourself. That's self-centered. If you're blessed to live long enough, and choose to be wise, you'll understand the wisdom in my words.

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I peddle information. The information applies to whoever finds it relevant. Wisdom from you? Doubtful.

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We’re only gonna need martial law if the stupid fucking left decides not to stand down. I’ve never seen them do anything wise, so I’m sure they’ll pick the foolish choice as per usual.

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How many people have enough money to accomplish all of these things?

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“Burnin down the house——“!

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